Kalloch Family Tree Database
Descendants of Finley Kelloch & Mary Young,
who settled in Warren, Maine, 1735

Kalloch Family Genealogy Page on Kalloch.org

Family Tree Names

Kellock, Frances A. (1851-24 FEB 1854)
Kellogg, Clifton Watts (7 MAR 1901-31 MAY 1966)
Kellogg, Harvey Augustus (6 APR 1846-1923)
Kellogg, James Nelson (18 JUN 1868-1945)
Kellogg, Sarah Brown (18 JAN 1827-6 JAN 1912)
Kelly, Alcie Richardson (ABT 1892-17 MAY 1988)
Kelly, Alice (1868-24 MAR 1953)
Kelly, Daniel Ira
Kelly, Daniel Irving (ABT 1934-31 OCT 2016)
Kelly, David
Kelly, David Francis (25 NOV 1871-13 DEC 1942)
Kelly, David K.
Kelly, Dawn Marie
Kelly, Edward Emmet (12 JAN 1873-4 DEC 1938)
Kelly, Elizabeth K. Bessie (11 AUG 1895-19 JUN 1978)
Kelly, Ellen Hannah (ABT 1933-1 JAN 2009)
Kelly, Ellis Lysander (ABT 1902-16 DEC 1975)
Kelly, Grace Lestina (ABT 1891-1954)
Kelly, James
Kelly, James Frank (28 JUL 1875-29 JAN 1919)
Kelly, James R. (ABT 1919-)
Kelly, Katherine (27 JAN 1892-SEP 1983)
Kelly, Kathryn F. (13 MAY 1907-19 DEC 1973)
Kelly, Linda Sue
Kelly, Maxwell Lowell (1943-20 MAR 2009)
Kelly, Olive Grace (ABT 1887-30 MAR 1950)
Kelly, Patrick Archie (MAR 1861-1935)
Kelly, Pearl Mildred (4 JUL 1906-10 AUG 1963)
Kelly, Rex Charles
Kelly, Richard Henry "Ben" (28 MAY 1916-13 JUL 2002)
Kelly, Walter "Pat" (1889-1957)
Kelly, _____
Kelsey, Anna Christine (24 NOV 1893-21 JUN 1963)
Kelsey, Betsey (23 NOV 1819-)
Kelso, Edna Mae (15 JAN 1910-5 DEC 1976)
Kelso, Freeman Keith (ABT 1876-6 MAY 1911)
Kelso, Oral A.
Kelton, Sarah Emma
Kelwick, Emily Claudine (28 JAN 1926-8 AUG 2007)
Kemmer, Angeline Marie (6 MAR 1916-14 JAN 2009)
Kemmer, John Joseph (ABT 1883-19 FEB 1974)
Kemmis, Dorothy Marie (17 JUN 1916-15 NOV 2005)
Kemmis, Jeard (27 DEC 1886-22 MAY 1972)
Kemos, Alexander Christian
Kemos, Charles Demetrios (11 MAR 1927-25 JAN 2018)
Kemos, Charles Ramsdell
Kemos, Peter Alexander
Kemos, Samuel Jason
Kemp, Cheryl Diane
Kemp, Deborah Lynn
Kemp, John Lloyd
Kemp, John Lloyd (6 DEC 1932-24 DEC 2015)
Kemp, John William (30 APR 1921-13 APR 2007)
Kemp, Joseph Arthur (25 JUN 1880-BEF 1930)
Kemp, Mark Lawrence (20 SEP 1960-28 JAN 2017)
Kemp, Mary A. (10 AUG 1851-31 MAR 1927)
Kemp, Mary Ann (1849-)
Kemp, Natalie Cameron (ABT 1894-3 DEC 1977)
Kemp, William (1822-1878)
Kempster, Annie J. (2 JUN 1872-30 JUL 1964)
Kempton, June Evelyn (20 JUN 1918-26 SEP 1982)
Kendall, Clara Francis (26 DEC 1904-18 JAN 1990)
Kendall, Colette Noel
Kendall, Joseph Marvin (16 FEB 1917-8 AUG 1994)
Kendall, Lauren R. (11 OCT 1968-6 MAR 1969)
Kendall, Mary Louise (7 JUL 1914-8 SEP 1977)
Kendall, Mary T.
Kendall, Scott M.
Kendall, Tucker Vernon (20 MAY 1940-28 FEB 2013)
Kendrick, Bob
Kendrick, James Anthony (1939-2012)
Kendrick, James Anthony (12 NOV 1897-1 FEB 1972)
Kendrick, Oscar Frederick (6 DEC 1890-28 FEB 1953)
Kenefick, Bridget (ABT 1872-)
Kenefick, John J. (19 MAR 1912-30 MAY 1978)
Kenefick, Michael (1861-)
Keniston, Lydia (30 JUN 1842-27 NOV 1918)
Keniston, Nettie J. (9 DEC 1868-1 JAN 1952)
Kennard, Aleisha Frances
Kennard, Brogan Mary
Kennard, Burton Eugene (7 DEC 1875-24 JAN 1950)
Kennard, Frank Ernest (18 NOV 1856-1943)
Kennard, Jerina
Kennard, John Stewart
Kennard, Lance P.
Kennard, Musa Compton (ABT 1908-2 MAY 2002)
Kennard, Royal Graham (1 MAR 1902-ABT 1959)
Kennard, Royal Graham (19 JUL 1924-16 MAR 2005)
Kennard, _____
Kennedy, Addie M. (ABT 1895-1 APR 1976)
Kennedy, Ann E.
Kennedy, Annie
Kennedy, Barton Edwin
Kennedy, Beulah (17 JUL 1906-10 JUN 1989)
Kennedy, Blanche
Kennedy, Christopher Scott
Kennedy, Clara
Kennedy, Dawn Elaine (18 AUG 1956-18 SEP 1990)
Kennedy, Ella (10 DEC 1859-2 MAR 1916)
Kennedy, Francis Patrick
Kennedy, Freeman W. (ABT 1845-18 JAN 1918)
Kennedy, Gayen Leroy (FEB 1892-15 OCT 1963)
Kennedy, Gustavus
Kennedy, Gustavus Mower (17 JUL 1905-3 DEC 1972)
Kennedy, Henry James (5 APR 1907-17 MAR 1964)
Kennedy, Hiram W. (29 SEP 1825-3 SEP 1906)
Kennedy, Jeffrey Scott
Kennedy, Jennette (ABT 1814-BEF 1850)
Kennedy, Jennie (30 MAR 1926-24 DEC 2009)
Kennedy, Jennifer Kristen
Kennedy, John Franklin (ABT 1866-1948)
Kennedy, John H. (27 NOV 1923-13 MAY 2011)
Kennedy, Jophanus H. (1834-26 APR 1909)
Kennedy, Maree Elizabeth
Kennedy, Margaret Ida (5 OCT 1892-14 FEB 1972)
Kennedy, Nelson Davis (5 MAR 1906-1 DEC 1961)
Kennedy, Pamela Jane
Kennedy, Patricia "Trisha"
Kennedy, Peter Bertice (16 MAY 1876-1927)
Kennedy, Rebecca Alycia
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Roy H. (11 JAN 1901-8 MAY 1953)
Kennedy, Samuel (30 AUG 1810-2 DEC 1832)
Kennedy, Warren Allen
Kennedy, Warren Clair (21 FEB 1929-30 DEC 1992)
Kennedy, _____
Kennedy, _____
Kennefic, Mariam Agnetem (1896-1943)
Kennefic, Patritio F.
Kennerson, Horace (11 DEC 1876-21 JUN 1965)
Kennerson, Lucinda Mabel (10 OCT 1904-25 DEC 1987)
Kenney, Albion (NOV 1843-8 MAY 1923)
Kenney, Alice Ethel (26 JAN 1915-25 SEP 1986)
Kenney, Alton Richard (25 MAR 1926-5 FEB 2015)
Kenney, Anna Hulda (4 MAR 1912-28 JUL 1981)
Kenney, Barbara
Kenney, Bertha May (17 NOV 1928-12 NOV 2014)
Kenney, Carol
Kenney, Cathy
Kenney, Cynthia
Kenney, Cyrus Alton (10 MAY 1871-2 AUG 1952)
Kenney, Cyrus Alton (10 MAY 1871-2 AUG 1952)
Kenney, Dalenne F.
Kenney, Donald E. (ABT 1931-10 JUL 1986)
Kenney, Edward Curtis (26 MAR 1919-23 FEB 1999)
Kenney, Elizabeth E.
Kenney, Emily E. (31 JAN 1863-)
Kenney, Eunice (1800-6 JUL 1883)
Kenney, Frank Leland (6 OCT 1872-)
Kenney, Frederic Henry "Fred" (ABT 1876-)
Kenney, Frederic Vernon "Fred" (5 MAR 1920-12 MAR 2011)
Kenney, Heber (17 SEP 1871-1949)
Kenney, Henriella S. "Susie" (ABT 1929-22 AUG 2014)
Kenney, Henry
Kenney, Henry R. (27 FEB 1907-25 AUG 1962)
Kenney, Herman
Kenney, Herman Cyrus (3 SEP 1904-AUG 1963)
Kenney, Irvin M.
Kenney, J. R.
Kenney, Jeffrey
Kenney, Jennifer
Kenney, Judith
Kenney, Leroy R. (15 NOV 1946-24 AUG 2014)
Kenney, Lorin David (1959-8 JAN 2016)
Kenney, Marion
Kenney, Mary
Kenney, Mildred Ella (ABT 1932-16 NOV 2007)
Kenney, Newell
Kenney, Newell Loren (14 OCT 1902-4 NOV 1984)
Kenney, Norman
Kenney, Reginald A. (18 SEP 1944-3 DEC 1984)
Kenney, Roscoe
Kenney, Rosie M.
Kenney, Theodore Allen (ABT 1938-28 NOV 1956)
Kenney, Thoma E.
Kenney, Thomas (3 DEC 1746-29 JUL 1820)
Kenney, Walter Olin (22 JUN 1927-18 DEC 1972)
Kennie Kinney, Ivena Inez Ina (5 NOV 1885-BEF 1930)
Kennison, Gladys Bell (ABT 1894-1938)
Kennison, Harold Lester (3 APR 1895-18 DEC 1945)
Kennison, Herbert L. (1 SEP 1862-27 FEB 1917)
Kenniston, Alfred Walter (1 JUL 1933-22 NOV 1994)
Kenniston, Alice Louise
Kenniston, Andrea Celeste
Kenniston, Anne Elizabeth
Kenniston, April Elizabeth
Kenniston, Bertha Winifred (ABT 1904-19 JAN 1978)
Kenniston, Connie
Kenniston, Darren J.
Kenniston, David Marcellus (24 APR 1831-1920)
Kenniston, Dawn "Dawne" Louise
Kenniston, Debra Rae
Kenniston, Donald David "David" (20 OCT 1937-24 SEP 2012)
Kenniston, Donald Frederick (3 MAY 1912-27 JUN 1982)
Kenniston, Elizabeth Mary (May) (5 NOV 1924-8 OCT 1994)
Kenniston, Erik
Kenniston, Eugene Snow
Kenniston, Frederick "Fred" Miles (14 JAN 1877-11 SEP 1943)
Kenniston, Fredreck Gustav (6 JUN 1932-21 JUN 2003)
Kenniston, Geoffrey David
Kenniston, George Percy (18 NOV 1901-30 MAR 1944)
Kenniston, Gloria Linnea (14 JUN 1939-4 JUL 2016)
Kenniston, Hazel Lois (11 APR 1905-25 DEC 1999)
Kenniston, Heather
Kenniston, Howard Miles (24 JUN 1906-19 DEC 1969)
Kenniston, James Edward
Kenniston, Janet Lucille (13 JUN 1939-4 APR 1947)
Kenniston, Joel David
Kenniston, Joel Walter
Kenniston, June Nancy (15 JUN 1935-19 FEB 2014)
Kenniston, Kathleen Evelyn
Kenniston, Lisa Diane
Kenniston, Marcia "Mardie" Gail
Kenniston, Marie Adelia (15 MAR 1909-15 MAR 1993)
Kenniston, Martha Wade (28 SEP 1865-1952)
Kenniston, Mary Hortense (ABT 1898-14 JUN 1986)
Kenniston, Michael
Kenniston, Michael Wayne
Kenniston, Michelle
Kenniston, Miriam "Mimma" Jane
Kenniston, Raymond David (2 OCT 1907-14 MAR 2001)
Kenniston, Shawn
Kenniston, Stefani Joan
Kenniston, Todd Fredrick
Kenny, Henry Sanders (26 JAN 1847-16 JUN 1916)
Kenny, Jerusha E. (1815-24 FEB 1899)
Kenourgios, Pete
Kent, Adelaide (3 SEP 1890-11 SEP 1969)
Kent, Alice (21 APR 1925-27 FEB 2015)
Kent, Alice Evelyn (ABT 1869-10 MAR 1930)
Kent, Allen Hawkes (2 AUG 1964-25 FEB 1965)
Kent, Alonza (14 MAR 1874-21 SEP 1874)
Kent, Amasa Leslie (29 OCT 1871-28 APR 1880)
Kent, Amelia Alice (19 SEP 1866-9 APR 1931)
Kent, Amy (ABT 1911-5 DEC 2005)
Kent, Amy
Kent, Andrew
Kent, Angela Marie (5 SEP 1949-20 JUN 2005)
Kent, Ann Dorothy
Kent, Anna (13 FEB 1866-24 OCT 1934)
Kent, Arlo Rudean
Kent, Arvon H.
Kent, Aubrey Fern
Kent, Audrey
Kent, Barbara
Kent, Barbara L.
Kent, Beatrice (28 OCT 1905-30 JUL 1990)
Kent, Bertha Cordelia (21 DEC 1882-26 FEB 1947)
Kent, Bertha Mertella (23 JUL 1884-14 JAN 1974)
Kent, Bessie Henderson (1 AUG 1900-22 JUL 1973)
Kent, Bob
Kent, Bonita
Kent, Bonnie Jean (ABT 1928-6 MAY 1981)
Kent, Brad
Kent, Brett
Kent, Carolyn
Kent, Charles Edward (30 AUG 1859-25 FEB 1935)
Kent, Charles Edward (1912-23 MAY 2000)
Kent, Claude (ABT 1905-5 JUN 1974)
Kent, Claude Clair (13 DEC 1923-9 FEB 1924)
Kent, Connie
Kent, Crestina (14 OCT 1885-16 APR 1904)
Kent, Dameon Joseph Lee (8 APR 2005-28 JAN 2021)
Kent, Daniel B. (4 JUL 1943-4 JUL 1943)
Kent, Daniel Craig
Kent, Daniel Mikal
Kent, Darlene Joyce
Kent, Daryl
Kent, David
Kent, David
Kent, DeAnn
Kent, DeVere
Kent, Delilah Marie
Kent, Dixie Carol (ABT 1937-21 FEB 2019)
Kent, Don Sherwin (ABT 1915-3 JUN 1962)
Kent, Donald (11 JUN 1932-2 DEC 1974)
Kent, Edith
Kent, Edna Emaline (18 DEC 1906-18 SEP 1907)
Kent, Edna Ileen (9 MAR 1896-9 MAR 1896)
Kent, Edward
Kent, Edward Allen "Sam" (4 OCT 1937-18 NOV 2010)
Kent, Edward Franklin (29 MAR 1867-4 JUL 1934)
Kent, Elaine (21 APR 1923-22 DEC 2019)
Kent, Elbert
Kent, Eliza Matilda (26 OCT 1860-21 OCT 1927)
Kent, Elizabeth (ABT 1909-24 OCT 1996)
Kent, Ella (ABT 1908-7 JUL 1997)
Kent, Ella Angeline (1 FEB 1865-24 OCT 1934)
Kent, Ellen (7 MAY 1925-14 SEP 2016)
Kent, Emma Laura (12 MAY 1886-2 OCT 1971)
Kent, Erdine (ABT 1890-3 MAY 1979)
Kent, Eugene (3 JUL 1940-3 JUL 1940)
Kent, Eurilla Emeline (ABT 1889-9 JAN 1968)
Kent, Everett Allen
Kent, George Albert (7 MAY 1857-18 AUG 1857)
Kent, George Arlo (ABT 1909-29 JUL 1977)
Kent, George Douglas (ABT 1915-8 APR 2003)
Kent, Gloria (28 FEB 1930-11 JUN 1930)
Kent, Gneil (1 JAN 1923-23 MAR 2002)
Kent, Gordon Neilson (8 SEP 1939-30 SEP 2003)
Kent, Gracie Pearl (8 FEB 1888-9 DEC 1903)
Kent, Grant S.
Kent, Harold Leon (2 FEB 1922-26 JUL 2017)
Kent, Harriet Amanda (4 AUG 1830-26 AUG 1902)
Kent, Hazel Gillies (20 OCT 1902-16 OCT 1990)
Kent, Henry
Kent, Henry Chauncey (12 JAN 1863-21 NOV 1934)
Kent, Henry Clarence (8 JAN 1922-11 APR 2014)
Kent, Henry Osmond (ABT 1888-30 MAR 1968)
Kent, Henry Warren (ABT 1891-28 AUG 1922)
Kent, Hyrum Smith (28 AUG 1871-2 AUG 1883)
Kent, Infant (1884-1884)
Kent, Iona (12 SEP 1909-18 SEP 1977)
Kent, Ira Bodily (14 JUN 1917-24 FEB 2005)
Kent, Irel Thomas (13 NOV 1912-29 NOV 2001)
Kent, JaLynne
Kent, Jacob
Kent, James "Jim"
Kent, James Patrick (ABT 1889-8 JUL 1963)
Kent, James Ray (24 OCT 1886-11 JAN 1973)
Kent, James Talbot (1924-10 JUL 1942)
Kent, Jean (ABT 1927-9 AUG 1952)
Kent, Jean
Kent, Jennette Mary (12 FEB 1859-4 MAR 1909)
Kent, Jerry
Kent, Jesse Clarence (16 DEC 1877-15 SEP 1955)
Kent, JoAnn (ABT 1936-5 NOV 1996)
Kent, Joan Louise (29 MAY 1940-4 JUL 2007)
Kent, Johanna (19 MAR 1869-11 JUL 1912)
Kent, John David (1892-BEF 21 JUN 1900)
Kent, John Delbert (5 MAR 1861-29 JAN 1938)
Kent, John Ronald (22 JUN 1925-9 DEC 1925)
Kent, Joseph Braman (14 OCT 1869-25 AUG 1938)
Kent, Julianna
Kent, Julianne
Kent, Karen
Kent, Klea (28 FEB 1956-18 APR 1974)
Kent, LaMar
Kent, LaRue (ABT 1904-25 MAY 1939)
Kent, Larry
Kent, Laura (ABT 1900-23 DEC 1978)
Kent, Laura Ellen (4 JUN 1857-5 JUL 1939)
Kent, Laurene
Kent, Leland (20 JAN 1894-BEF 1900)
Kent, Leroy Talbot (27 DEC 1943-23 SEP 1962)
Kent, Lettie (10 JUN 1916-4 NOV 2004)
Kent, Lewis
Kent, Lois
Kent, Louise
Kent, Mable (29 JAN 1915-21 MAR 1995)
Kent, Maralyn
Kent, Marcia Faye (29 OCT 1952-27 DEC 1965)
Kent, Marjean
Kent, Mark
Kent, Mark
Kent, Mark
Kent, Marlin J.
Kent, Marva Ann
Kent, Mary Alice (27 JUN 1936-9 FEB 2002)
Kent, Mary Ann (30 MAY 1849-13 MAY 1904)
Kent, Mary Emaline (1899-26 FEB 1993)
Kent, Mary Margaret (17 NOV 1955-1 SEP 1975)
Kent, Maude (12 JUN 1909-21 APR 2000)
Kent, Melvin Ernest (22 MAY 1875-3 MAR 1961)
Kent, Mercedes (1893-9 JAN 1973)
Kent, Micheal L.
Kent, Mikal Steven (21 DEC 1970-13 AUG 2020)
Kent, Myrna (ABT 1937-27 JUN 2020)
Kent, Nanette
Kent, Neal
Kent, Nevella (6 DEC 1895-1 FEB 1904)
Kent, Norene (21 OCT 1949-18 MAY 1981)
Kent, Oline (ABT 1922-30 JUL 1999)
Kent, Osmond Smith (ABT 1917-30 APR 2006)
Kent, Parley Albert (6 APR 1912-23 MAY 2000)
Kent, Patricia
Kent, Patrisha AnneMarie
Kent, Paul
Kent, Pauline (17 DEC 1926-8 MAR 1989)
Kent, Pearl (23 OCT 1905-27 OCT 1972)
Kent, Percy Adelbert (28 MAR 1897-25 JAN 1959)
Kent, Philip Clair
Kent, Philo Alvero (30 AUG 1865-19 MAY 1919)
Kent, Randy
Kent, Rick
Kent, Riley Delbert (25 FEB 1888-22 SEP 1972)
Kent, Robert (10 JUN 1910-5 MAY 1974)
Kent, Robert
Kent, Robert
Kent, Roger
Kent, Rose Marie (25 MAY 1941-1 JUN 1980)
Kent, Rosella (1873-1873)
Kent, Roy Smith (23 DEC 1880-18 MAR 1944)
Kent, Samantha Adaline (26 APR 1862-15 JUL 1896)
Kent, Samuel "Sam" Clarence
Kent, Samuel Benajah (11 NOV 1806-6 JAN 1841)
Kent, Samuel Benajah (25 SEP 1857-7 DEC 1913)
Kent, Samuel Parley (ABT 1887-14 NOV 1946)
Kent, Samuel W. (25 JAN 1850-)
Kent, Sara Jane (29 JUN 1902-28 MAY 1992)
Kent, Sarah Almira (4 DEC 1850-14 APR 1925)
Kent, Sarah Ellen (18 JAN 1895-1 JUN 1969)
Kent, Shannon L.
Kent, Shari
Kent, Shirley
Kent, Sidney Benajah (21 AUG 1828-18 DEC 1914)
Kent, Sidney Clifford
Kent, Sidney Nathan (24 NOV 1898-BEF 1900)
Kent, Sidney Warren (22 NOV 1852-15 JAN 1921)
Kent, Sidney Wesley (ABT 1930-22 DEC 2019)
Kent, Steven Don (21 JAN 1946-20 MAR 2017)
Kent, Steven L. (9 MAR 1952-8 OCT 2009)
Kent, Susan
Kent, Suzanne (9 NOV 1928-12 MAY 2021)
Kent, Tambra
Kent, Tammy
Kent, Terrance Allan
Kent, Theda Ann "Theann" (15 JAN 1954-12 MAR 2019)
Kent, Thomas Alan
Kent, Thomas Alan
Kent, Thomas Jefferson (26 JAN 1867-9 NOV 1935)
Kent, Travis Jay
Kent, Troy
Kent, Veda (17 NOV 1918-19 JUN 2008)
Kent, Vera (10 JUL 1900-1 JAN 1901)
Kent, Veral (10 JUL 1900-1 JAN 1901)
Kent, Verdene
Kent, Verna (1921-)
Kent, Vicki Jean (28 NOV 1952-16 NOV 2013)
Kent, Vickie J.
Kent, Vonda
Kent, Wanda Lee
Kent, Wayne Penrose (ABT 1919-16 OCT 1999)
Kent, Wesley Sidney (ABT 1893-18 JAN 1945)
Kent, William David (ABT 1937-24 DEC 1971)
Kent, William Riley (23 MAR 1855-20 JUL 1927)
Kent, William Warren (22 AUG 1913-25 FEB 1974)
Kent, Willie Benager (9 SEP 1911-15 JUN 1988)
Kent, Zachary D.
Kent, Zachary J.
Kent, _____
Kent, _____
Keogh, Ross Jackson (22 JUN 1892-JAN 1967)
Keogh, Ruth Martha (ABT 1918-27 MAY 2009)
Keogh, Veronica Catherine (ABT 1919-30 DEC 2006)
Keough, John Lawrence (20 APR 19??-)
Keough, John Lawrence
Keough, Kelsey Marie (28 MAR 19??-)
Kepler, Kimberly
Kepler, Robert Dale
Kepler, Robert Dale (2 APR 1913-10 JAN 1988)
Kepler, Robert Dale
Kepley, Goldie Belle (8 OCT 1883-19 JUL 1973)
Kepner, Janet
Kepple, Joseph Cornelius
Kepple, Joseph Cornelius (7 NOV 1912-11 JUL 2000)
Kerlin, Mary Ann (18 NOV 1850-10 MAR 1912)
Kernaghan, Avis Louise
Kernaghan, James "Jim" Stewart
Kernaghan, Robert "Bobby" Amos
Kernaghan, Stewart Warren (4 AUG 1913-16 NOV 2003)
Kernaghan, William Stewart
Kerner, Emma
Kerr, Agnes E. (ABT 1894-)
Kerr, Alice
Kerr, Alva Davis (10 OCT 1901-19 JUN 1966)
Kerr, Barbara Eulale
Kerr, Barbara L.
Kerr, Brenda
Kerr, Caralyn
Kerr, Charles
Kerr, Danielle Marie
Kerr, Davis Alva (7 FEB 1860-25 MAR 1925)
Kerr, Debra Lee
Kerr, Dena Lynn
Kerr, Dodie
Kerr, Douglas (23 DEC 1960-17 DEC 2012)
Kerr, Douglas Alan (1 AUG 1949-6 MAR 1990)
Kerr, Evelyn
Kerr, Frank Eugene (22 SEP 1919-19 APR 2003)
Kerr, Fred Smith (ABT 1930-16 DEC 2012)
Kerr, George M. (ABT 1871-1900)
Kerr, Gordon
Kerr, John Clark (ABT 1900-23 DEC 1983)
Kerr, John Davis (14 MAY 1935-27 JAN 2015)
Kerr, John Smith
Kerr, Judith
Kerr, Keith
Kerr, Luke McKinley (5 NOV 1898-16 OCT 1922)
Kerr, Mary (ABT 1872-)
Kerr, Mary Francis (30 NOV 1878-12 JUN 1917)
Kerr, Priscilla (26 MAY 1925-29 JUN 2000)
Kerr, Priscilla Julia (ABT 1926-5 DEC 1995)
Kerr, Ronald Dean (21 APR 1948-12 NOV 1954)
Kerr, Ronald Dean (Zion)
Kerr, Tyler Stewart
Kerswill, Arlene Ann (2 SEP 1949-2 SEP 1976)
Kerswill, Betty Jo
Kerswill, David
Kerswill, Edson Gregory
Kerswill, Edwin (28 MAR 1858-7 APR 1945)
Kerswill, Edwin Charles (14 JUN 1922-1 JUL 2004)
Kerswill, Edwin George (3 AUG 1893-16 JUN 1955)
Kerswill, Greg
Kerswill, John Gregory
Kerswill, Leanne
Kerswill, Nathan Kyle
Kerswill, Rachel Lynn
Kerswill, Raymond
Kerswill, Sharon
Kerwin, Annie Nora (18 JUL 1892-30 DEC 1970)
Kerwin, John (ABT 1861-)
Kes, Caroline
Kes, Keith
Kessecker, Cora Beulah (25 FEB 1888-7 OCT 1928)
Kesten, Marie Louise (22 DEC 1876-9 JUL 1900)
Ketchen, John Cedric (1870-1957)
Ketchen, Vera A. (8 FEB 1905-14 AUG 1998)
Ketchum, Cecil Albert (25 OCT 1912-17 AUG 1967)
Ketchum, Mary B. (16 SEP 1922-15 OCT 1999)
Ketchum, Phebe (1760-20 JUN 1813)
Ketchum, Robert Judson (6 APR 1948-25 MAY 2011)
Kettell, Mackenzie Alexa
Kettner, John L.
Keuss, Edna Freida
Keyes, Alice Jane (13 DEC 1847-30 MAY 1915)
Keyes, Allen E. (ABT 1927-13 MAR 2018)
Keyes, Barbara
Keyes, Cheryl
Keyes, David
Keyes, Elmer James (13 NOV 1890-12 JAN 1969)
Keyes, Emma Louisa (ABT 1850-19 JUL 1876)
Keyes, Horace (ABT 1821-)
Keyes, Janice
Keyes, Lydia Ann (ABT 1823-)
Keyes, _____
Keys, Myrtle Yatar (JAN 1883-1956)
Kiaski, Frank (18 SEP 1918-8 JUN 1973)
Kibbe, George Tiffany (ABT 1887-1 OCT 1918)
Kibbe, William Henry Butter (8 JUL 1853-6 JUN 1946)
Kibby, Harriet A. (OCT 1862-26 NOV 1938)
Kick, Alberta Ruth (22 JUN 1915-9 MAY 1999)
Kick, Andrew J. (ABT 1883-31 DEC 1945)
Kidd, Anne Bevan (24 NOV 1914-3 APR 1983)
Kidd, Charles
Kidd, Frank Morrison (2 FEB 1890-27 NOV 1957)
Kidd, James Beevan (ABT 1886-31 JAN 1943)
Kidd, John Morrison (22 NOV 1853-10 NOV 1941)
Kidder, Charles Alvah (10 MAY 1875-14 NOV 1954)
Kidder, Esther Louise (15 DEC 1906-4 DEC 1996)
Kidder, Helen Augusta (13 AUG 1837-9 MAY 1920)
Kidman, Norval Robert (22 APR 1916-29 NOV 1974)
Kidman, Orson Grange (8 MAR 1882-6 AUG 1959)
Kief, Melvina E. (8 DEC 1879-4 NOV 1922)
Kiefer, Angeline Clara (25 AUG 1878-9 MAR 1963)
Kiefer, Elizabeth Jane (8 MAY 1934-22 FEB 2007)
Kiefer, Mary (17 FEB 1845-9 JUN 1926)
Kier, Donald Frederich (17 FEB 1902-3 AUG 1988)
Kier, Muriel Louise
Kiff, Nancy Alley (ABT 1839-2 MAR 1884)
Kilborne, Frances E. (ABT 1838-AFT 1880)
Kilcommons, Peter J.
Kilday, Margaret Ellen (11 OCT 1858-15 DEC 1925)
Kile, Gertrude (22 JAN 1861-29 SEP 1935)
Kile, Mildred Phoebe (29 JUN 1900-22 FEB 1988)
Kiley, Dorothy Ann (ABT 1923-4 JUL 2011)
Kiley, Edna May (11 JUL 1923-18 JAN 2007)
Kiley, Phillip Henry (5 APR 1859-)
Kiley, Robert I. (ABT 1904-)
Kiley, William T. (ABT 1904-19 JUN 1960)
Kilfoyle, Martha (19 MAR 1841-23 APR 1892)
Kilgore, John Wesley (5 OCT 1836-20 MAY 1925)
Kilgore, Juanita Ann (1933-29 JAN 1965)
Kilgore, Mary Elizabeth (29 AUG 1876-4 FEB 1961)
Kilimon, Peter (6 JUL 1887-10 MAY 1926)
Killalee, John (ABT 1837-)
Killam, Jennie May (30 JAN 1891-7 OCT 1971)
Killan, Gertrude (ABT 1868-21 JUL 1946)
Killheffer, Myrtle M. (JUL 1894-1989)
Killian, James H. (1840-)
Killian, Jeff
Killian, Suzanne
Killilea, Margaret E. (ABT 1872-8 JUL 1919)
Killinger, Shirley
Killman, Ruth Laughton (1898-MAY 1949)
Killmer, Mary (10 OCT 1892-25 NOV 1975)
Killoran, John Francis (20 AUG 1947-23 FEB 1979)
Killoran, John Francis (29 SEP 1923-16 JUN 2002)
Killough, Allen (1709-1785)
Killough, David (1721-1761)
Killough, James (ABT 1680-)
Killough, John
Killough, John (1657-ABT 1715)
Killough, John (ABT 1680-)
Killough, John (1712-1777)
Killough, John (ABT 1630-1689)
Killough, John (BEF 1580-AFT 1631)
Killough, Robert (1681-1737)
Kilpatrick, Mary
Kilton, Everett Lailah (6 DEC 1868-1934)
Kilton, Florence Maude (ABT 1902-1990)
Kimball, Albert Henry (ABT 1917-13 NOV 2002)
Kimball, Albert Henry (9 AUG 1844-30 AUG 1911)
Kimball, Alice Perkins (5 JUL 1887-7 FEB 1968)
Kimball, Daniel Jefferson (31 OCT 1844-6 SEP 1908)
Kimball, Edith Frances (29 JAN 1892-30 NOV 1970)
Kimball, James Durgin (ABT 1882-30 NOV 1975)
Kimball, Lizzie Etta (25 MAY 1877-23 DEC 1959)
Kimball, Lucy M. (28 OCT 1869-1958)
Kimball, Lydia Annie (2 APR 1870-24 OCT 1952)
Kimball, Mabel P. (1 JUL 1900-1986)
Kimball, Olive W. (1805-)
Kimball, Rachel (1818-13 NOV 1873)
Kimball, Ruth Hope (ABT 1912-28 FEB 2002)
Kimball, Sarah A. (OCT 1857-)
Kimball, Ulysses Grant (5 NOV 1867-13 MAY 1952)
Kimball, Wendy Lee
Kimber, Harry Leslie (11 AUG 1895-23 JAN 1944)
Kimber, Lucella Reve' (20 NOV 1922-1 AUG 1966)
Kimberlen, Eliza Ann (ABT 1838-10 MAY 1884)
Kimbling, Ella Gertrude (JAN 1870-)
Kimbrough, Ala Earl (16 OCT 1882-MAY 1971)
Kimbrough, Clifford (1909-DEC 1911)
Kimbrough, Orland Lorraine (12 NOV 1907-18 JUN 1956)
Kimbrough, Richard Benito
Kimbrough, William (1 MAR 1842-1 JUL 1912)
Kimmel, Beth
Kimpton, Alene Erdine (4 DEC 1923-30 APR 1995)
Kimpton, George Ephraim (DEC 1845-12 OCT 1917)
Kimpton, Marian Hope (14 JUN 1920-17 JAN 1982)
Kimpton, Varo Alger (11 DEC 1888-4 SEP 1946)
Kincade, Charlotte Virginia
Kincade, Kathleen Charlotte (28 MAR 1899-24 AUG 1981)
Kincade, Ronald Lawrence (1 MAR 1925-8 JAN 2010)
Kincaid, Blanche Ardella (20 JUL 1883-26 MAR 1952)
Kincaid, Eliza Johnson (8 APR 1830-12 OCT 1911)
King, Aaron David
King, Albert Dunning (12 DEC 1908-25 NOV 1992)
King, Alice Jane (23 SEP 1862-15 FEB 1959)
King, Alvin Kingston (6 APR 1890-29 DEC 1965)
King, Bret
King, Brian
King, Carl (29 JUN 1880-25 JUN 1943)
King, Carol
King, Cassa Orell (27 AUG 1909-JUL 1986)
King, Catherine Eleanor (8 AUG 1926-16 AUG 2002)
King, Charles Orell (9 AUG 1931-31 JAN 1980)
King, Christopher Bernard
King, Christopher James
King, Clinton Blair (3 OCT 1901-23 FEB 1979)
King, Clyde A.
King, Conner Clark
King, Cory Jack
King, David C.
King, David Michael
King, Deborah Ann
King, Dennis Michael
King, Denyse Michelle
King, Don W.
King, Doris Ruth (18 NOV 1921-2 MAR 1986)
King, Dorothy Marie (25 JUN 1920-1 SEP 2000)
King, Douglas E.
King, Edward Robert (10 JAN 1909-18 DEC 1965)
King, Edwin J. (ABT 1855-1914)
King, Eliza Ann (ABT 1920-26 JUL 1982)
King, Elizabeth Amelia (ABT 1890-)
King, Elizabeth Mary "Bessie" (8 JAN 1916-18 FEB 1999)
King, Elsie
King, Ernest Lawrence (14 MAY 1899-24 JAN 1965)
King, Ethel (15 MAR 1888-2 JAN 1978)
King, Eugene Franklin (31 OCT 1921-7 AUG 2003)
King, Everlyne
King, Fayette Haldane (21 AUG 1917-2 JUN 1983)
King, Florence Dorothy (19 JUL 1918-9 OCT 2005)
King, Florence Margaret (ABT 1918-4 AUG 2005)
King, Floy Mable (10 MAR 1898-14 JUL 1976)
King, George Edwin (26 JUN 1926-7 APR 1999)
King, George H. (4 JUL 1900-17 AUG 1990)
King, George Hervey (25 JUN 1873-17 APR 1957)
King, George R. (SEP 1907-MAR 1980)
King, Georgia Anna (3 MAR 1915-22 JAN 1985)
King, Grace (19 JAN 1921-11 APR 1992)
King, Harvey S.
King, Herbert J. (1872-)
King, Howard
King, Isaiah (3 JUN 1855-6 JUN 1931)
King, Jacob Ryan
King, James S . (30 DEC 1919-29 APR 1974)
King, John Alsop (2 APR 1894-12 AUG 1977)
King, John James
King, John Porter (5 DEC 1860-10 AUG 1948)
King, Juanita Louise
King, Katherine Elizabeth
King, Katherine Raye
King, Kris
King, Lewis Edward James
King, Linda Lou
King, Lydia Frances (30 MAY 1791-2 JUN 1873)
King, Margaret Sarah (1907-)
King, Mark
King, Mary Ann
King, Mya-Lisa
King, Nadine Deliah (6 AUG 1929-13 JUL 2010)
King, Noa Kouyo James
King, Norma C. (ABT 1906-)
King, Nowlan Powell "Nonnie" (4 MAY 1921-22 MAR 1984)
King, Ora
King, Peter S. (20 OCT 1888-7 JUL 1966)
King, Raymond E. (21 OCT 1968-17 OCT 2003)
King, Raymond Ellsworth (16 DEC 1938-1 APR 2006)
King, Robert Elwood (15 MAR 1929-4 AUG 2019)
King, Robert Owen
King, Robert Wayne (ABT 1938-23 MAY 2015)
King, Rosemary (2 JUL 1933-16 DEC 2002)
King, Roy Elvil
King, Ruby Annabel
King, Ruth Marion (26 APR 1921-14 DEC 1989)
King, Sally Joan
King, Samantha (ABT 1896-)
King, Sarah A. (1859-)
King, Shirley Martin (16 JAN 1911-22 MAY 1941)
King, Sileas
King, Tanya Louise (17 MAR 1972-19 MAR 1972)
King, Tiffany Dianne
King, Timothy John
King, Vera (28 AUG 1905-25 AUG 2000)
King, Vivian
King, Wilbur Lilly (ABT 1895-2 JAN 1954)
King, William (ABT 1870-)
King, William Chester
King, William Thomas (1 SEP 1881-24 DEC 1941)
King, _____
Kingsbury, Abigail (ABT 1831-27 MAY 1899)
Kingsbury, Alma B. (5 JAN 1880-17 JUN 1880)
Kingsbury, Benjamin (24 FEB 1787-20 MAR 1876)
Kingsbury, Carrie Frances (5 JAN 1880-SEP 1972)
Kingsbury, Catherine (20 OCT 1783-1 APR 1858)
Kingsbury, Clarence Randolph (14 NOV 1874-15 NOV 1949)
Kingsbury, Craig Johnstone (10 OCT 1912-30 AUG 2002)
Kingsbury, Eliza Ann (14 NOV 1850-10 OCT 1924)
Kingsbury, Elizabeth Louise (ABT 1887-6 MAR 1923)
Kingsbury, Ernest Edward (ABT 1901-JUL 1975)
Kingsbury, Henry W. (2 OCT 1878-13 OCT 1878)
Kingsbury, James Richard (8 AUG 1826-11 MAR 1896)
Kingsbury, Lewis
Kingsbury, Marie Victoria (13 OCT 1878-4 NOV 1974)
Kingsbury, Melvia Elizabeth (27 MAR 1905-30 SEP 1989)
Kingsbury, Philip (22 SEP 1853-10 SEP 1909)
Kingsbury, Samuel H. (ABT 1819-6 FEB 1906)
Kingsland, Hennry (ABT 1854-10 NOV 1931)
Kingsley, Diane Jean
Kingsley, Gordon
Kingsley, Marie Ann
Kingsley, Shane
Kingsley, Stephen
Kingston, Anna Louise (26 JAN 1882-29 MAY 1924)
Kingston, Eirik Nelson
Kingston, James
Kingston, Keith Leonard
Kingston, Kyle Joseph
Kinkel, Benjamin Franklin (8 SEP 1881-26 DEC 1914)
Kinkel, Charles Henry (1 JAN 1842-17 JUL 1919)
Kinkel, Frederick Wurster (ABT 1912-27 JAN 1981)
Kinkel, Howard McLoon "Mac" (9 JUL 1912-17 AUG 1926)
Kinkel, Neola Pearl
Kinkel, _____
Kinnard, Anthony Helfrich (14 MAR 1839-28 FEB 1900)
Kinnard, Rose Elizabeth (ABT 1895-19 DEC 1968)
Kinnett, Elizabeth (28 MAR 1840-8 NOV 1920)
Kinney, Ada Gilchrist (ABT 1869-22 JUL 1949)
Kinney, Adrien Harvey (ABT 1901-4 FEB 1992)
Kinney, Adrien Michael
Kinney, Albion (9 NOV 1833-5 NOV 1853)
Kinney, Alfred Woodbury (6 APR 1921-28 JUN 2016)
Kinney, Alice May
Kinney, Amy Dianne
Kinney, Arnold Austin "Buzzy"
Kinney, Arthur Gray (15 OCT 1925-18 JUL 2014)
Kinney, Austin Robinson (15 FEB 1919-28 DEC 1999)
Kinney, Austin Robinson (12 JAN 1895-18 JUL 1918)
Kinney, Barbara Jo
Kinney, Bert Warren (AUG 1836-27 NOV 1906)
Kinney, Bridgette Mae
Kinney, Carolena "Mammy Jo" (ABT 1897-21 NOV 1988)
Kinney, Celestia D. (1848-18 JUN 1919)
Kinney, Charles Albion (16 NOV 1874-25 JAN 1964)
Kinney, Charles Granville (2 MAY 1917-9 JUL 2013)
Kinney, Christina Marie
Kinney, Clara Arvilla (18 JAN 1833-19 NOV 1921)
Kinney, Corinne M.
Kinney, Cynthia Ann
Kinney, Dale Arthur
Kinney, Dalton James
Kinney, Dana Alfred
Kinney, Daniel J.
Kinney, Daniel W. (16 MAR 1804-23 AUG 1875)
Kinney, Diane Louise
Kinney, Donna Christie
Kinney, Earl Erastus (25 NOV 1893-2 OCT 1937)
Kinney, Earl Robert (12 APR 1917-2 MAY 2013)
Kinney, Earl Robert (16 FEB 1945-19 MAR 2011)
Kinney, Effie (22 FEB 1882-)
Kinney, Elathere "Ella" (ABT 1840-16 JUN 1915)
Kinney, Eleanor Elosia (ABT 1917-26 FEB 2010)
Kinney, Eliza T. (1861-1890)
Kinney, Elizabeth "Eliza" (13 JAN 1806-1889)
Kinney, Elosia Ella
Kinney, Elosia Ella (ABT 1866-18 DEC 1944)
Kinney, Estelle (ABT 1867-ABT 1895)
Kinney, Etta O.
Kinney, Eva F. (ABT 1870-7 MAR 1903)
Kinney, Forseman Quinn (17 MAY 1861-16 SEP 1941)
Kinney, Gary Alfred (27 JUN 1947-10 JUL 1947)
Kinney, George (15 APR 1860-20 AUG 1860)
Kinney, Gina Lucille
Kinney, Hannah Rachel
Kinney, Harold Rodney (ABT 1940-20 JUL 2007)
Kinney, Harriet (1816-AFT 1870)
Kinney, Harry Edwin (7 FEB 1880-15 MAR 1955)
Kinney, Harvey Warren (17 FEB 1872-22 OCT 1962)
Kinney, Hayli Katrina (22 FEB 1922-)
Kinney, Henry Edward (13 DEC 1913-4 MAR 1984)
Kinney, Ina Belle (ABT 1914-23 JUL 1989)
Kinney, Irene Pearl (ABT 1923-4 SEP 2018)
Kinney, Isabella Alice
Kinney, Isabelle (ABT 1844-1890)
Kinney, Jacalyn Betty (31 MAR 1956-5 JUL 2018)
Kinney, Jackson Samule "Sam"
Kinney, James (18 DEC 1815-)
Kinney, James E. (21 AUG 1837-27 FEB 1856)
Kinney, James Edmund (ABT 1859-24 JAN 1942)
Kinney, James Edmund (24 DEC 1914-8 MAR 2000)
Kinney, James Edmund "Skip"
Kinney, James Rodney (3 FEB 1939-6 JUN 2004)
Kinney, James Rodney (3 NOV 1887-2 JUN 1932)
Kinney, Jane (20 FEB 1813-)
Kinney, Jane F. (ABT 1847-15 AUG 1928)
Kinney, Janet Virginia
Kinney, Janice Irene
Kinney, Janie Eileen
Kinney, Jared James
Kinney, Jean Alice (7 DEC 1935-26 AUG 2009)
Kinney, Jeanie
Kinney, Jeffrey Donald
Kinney, Jennie Marie M (ABT 1870-8 NOV 1945)
Kinney, Joanne Marie "Cookie"
Kinney, Joel Walter
Kinney, John (1857-28 JAN 1915)
Kinney, John Charles (6 JUN 1942-28 OCT 2006)
Kinney, John Maynard (7 SEP 1919-24 OCT 2008)
Kinney, Jon Marc
Kinney, Joseph Trefethen (1834-25 NOV 1857)
Kinney, Joyce Ann
Kinney, Judith Diane
Kinney, Julie Dorothy
Kinney, Kara Crie
Kinney, Karen Elaine
Kinney, Katherine Campbell
Kinney, Katrina Louise
Kinney, Kelli Jo
Kinney, Kerry Lee
Kinney, Kimberly Jo (28 FEB 1958-19 MAR 1966)
Kinney, Kriston Andrew (16 SEP 1986-16 JAN 2008)
Kinney, Kriston Arnold (29 JAN 1961-10 AUG 2003)
Kinney, Levi James (20 JAN 1872-30 NOV 1951)
Kinney, Levi S. (19 OCT 1829-8 MAR 1856)
Kinney, Lillian Rachel (ABT 1914-1985)
Kinney, Lillias Estelle (22 FEB 1885-24 JUL 1953)
Kinney, Louise Frances
Kinney, Lucy V. (15 APR 1802-6 APR 1883)
Kinney, Lydia Grace
Kinney, Martin William (ABT 1886-17 JAN 1949)
Kinney, Mary (1 JAN 1808-28 APR 1855)
Kinney, Mary Elizabeth
Kinney, Mary Jane (15 OCT 1918-24 APR 2000)
Kinney, Matilda (18 JUL 1817-28 MAY 1849)
Kinney, Matthew (ABT 1812-29 DEC 1881)
Kinney, Maynard Melvin (ABT 1886-23 OCT 1963)
Kinney, Melvin H. (ABT 1865-11 MAR 1922)
Kinney, Michelle A.
Kinney, Nancy
Kinney, Nannie Harrington (9 MAR 1888-28 DEC 1956)
Kinney, Nathan Thomas
Kinney, Orris Cleveland (12 MAR 1878-18 AUG 1955)
Kinney, Patricia
Kinney, Richard Adrien
Kinney, Robert R.
Kinney, Rosilla "Rose" (ABT 1839-28 NOV 1929)
Kinney, Rufus (25 JAN 1840-14 NOV 1918)
Kinney, Russell William (2 APR 1924-12 JUL 2003)
Kinney, Sandra
Kinney, Sarah Elizabeth (4 OCT 1862-8 APR 1936)
Kinney, Sarah Elosia (19 JAN 1893-15 JUL 1949)
Kinney, Sarah Marie
Kinney, Sarah Warren (2 APR 1798-)
Kinney, Scott Rodney
Kinney, Shane Patrick
Kinney, Shannon Kathleen
Kinney, Sophronia (13 MAY 1796-16 MAR 1892)
Kinney, Sophronia F. (9 OCT 1871-11 NOV 1892)
Kinney, Sumner Waldron
Kinney, Teressa Mae
Kinney, Thomas (31 AUG 1835-18 DEC 1868)
Kinney, Thomas (31 AUG 1771-21 MAR 1846)
Kinney, Thomas (21 MAR 1800-1 MAY 1878)
Kinney, Thomas Mason (1892-6 JUN 1978)
Kinney, Thomas Mason (28 NOV 1918-1927)
Kinney, Vaughn Arthur
Kinney, Virginia Christine (1 SEP 1923-5 AUG 2014)
Kinney, Warren Caddy (ABT 1924-3 JUN 1987)
Kinney, Warren Caddy (ABT 1899-21 MAR 1975)
Kinney, William T. (ABT 1861-)
Kinney, Willis Burton (ABT 1904-1 FEB 1988)
Kinney, Willis Burton "Bill" (ABT 1940-13 JUL 2004)
Kinney, Zebulon Davis (30 APR 1832-6 OCT 1904)
Kinsey, Joseph Alexander (15 MAR 1869-17 NOV 1944)
Kinsey, Marjorie Jean
Kinsey, Ray Byrd (13 AUG 1907-6 DEC 1947)
Kinsman, Frank Edward
Kinsman, Frank Lloyd (14 FEB 1883-1959)
Kinsman, Frank Lloyd (ABT 1912-14 JUL 1982)
Kinsman, Jason M. (29 JAN 1975-22 APR 1975)
Kinsman, Jennifer Lois
Kinsman, Joseph Gardiner
Kinsman, Joseph Gardiner (4 MAR 1906-20 JAN 2000)
Kinsman, Stacy
Kinsman, Stephanie Ann
Kintner, Edna Estelle (19 DEC 1887-11 DEC 1967)
Kinzer, Easom Caldwell (ABT 1913-14 NOV 1993)
Kinzer, Martha Nichols
Kipp, Martha A. (9 APR 1915-17 OCT 1952)
Kirby, Emma (12 APR 1881-7 FEB 1978)
Kirby, Lorretta T.
Kirby, Louise Mary (24 NOV 1899-JUL 1971)
Kirby, Marietta L. (21 MAR 1883-12 JUL 1965)
Kirby, Ralph Jay (ABT 1876-1933)
Kirby, Samuel Hubbard (21 SEP 1843-16 MAR 1911)
Kirchner, Charles Francis (30 JUN 1914-4 FEB 1981)
Kirchner, Jean Frances (6 MAR 1936-26 APR 1998)
Kirchoff, Ellen
Kirchoff, John
Kirchoff, Mary
Kirchoff, Melvin
Kirchoff, Melvin Edward (ABT 1908-FEB 1981)
Kirchoff, Melvin Eugene (ABT 1932-30 DEC 2008)
Kirchoff, Michael
Kirk, Lawrence A. (-3 DEC 1939)
Kirk, Letrice Lillian (1899-30 MAR 1964)
Kirk, Mary E.
Kirk, Mary Ellen (MAR 1863-1939)
Kirk, Saddie Harriett (15 OCT 1902-29 JAN 1970)
Kirk, _____
Kirker, Garrett
Kirker, Matthew Grant
Kirkham, Benjamin George (9 JUN 1877-8 MAR 1946)
Kirkham, Grace Martha (ABT 1912-17 JUL 1995)
Kirkham, Minnie E. (1874-1 MAY 1968)
Kirkhouse, William Mclean
Kirkhouse, William Reginald (15 MAR 1907-9 NOV 1980)
Kirkland, John Randolph (25 APR 1875-20 MAY 1937)
Kirkland, William Angus (16 FEB 1919-27 JUL 1984)
Kirkland, Williamina (6 MAY 1882-14 SEP 1958)
Kirkman, _____
Kirkpatrick, Bonnie
Kirkpatrick, Gail R. (ABT 1947-19 DEC 2013)
Kirkpatrick, James (ABT 1819-)
Kirkpatrick, Jane (3 JUL 1790-14 JAN 1859)
Kirkpatrick, John (MAR 1827-AFT 1900)
Kirkpatrick, Sarah Elizabeth (OCT 1852-1933)
Kirkpatrick, Stephen Wentworth (28 MAR 1920-7 JUL 2004)
Kirmes, Scott
Kirmis, Magdalena "Lena" Maria Catharina (23 DEC 1876-5 DEC 1944)
Kirnan, Katherine May (16 FEB 1879-3 AUG 1963)
Kirsch, Daniel Frederick (18 MAR 1870-2 APR 1926)
Kirsch, Elizabeth Atkinson "Betty" (16 FEB 1905-8 DEC 1989)
Kirtner, Mary Nowlan (16 MAR 1900-1940)
Kisamore, David Ray
Kisamore, Granville (30 JUN 1900-16 SEP 1972)
Kiser, Beverly
Kiser, Frank Lester (14 JAN 1905-29 DEC 1979)
Kiser, James Luther (20 FEB 1913-5 MAR 1993)
Kiser, Patricia
Kiser, Zelda Dianne (11 SEP 1949-30 DEC 1999)
Kiskila, Eli (1873-17 APR 1959)
Kiskila, Helen Dagmar (24 NOV 1916-9 OCT 2002)
Kiskila, Shirley
Kissee, Hazel Mae (ABT 1928-2 NOV 2011)
Kissee, James Warner (7 JUL 1906-7 MAR 1936)
Kistler, Belinda Marie
Kistler, Robert Leo (4 MAR 1925-4 JUN 2017)
Kitchell, Clara Belle (1865-1 MAY 1939)
Kitchen, Bethany
Kitchen, Hannah Maud (9 MAR 1874-16 JAN 1931)
Kitchen, Lisa
Kitchen, Orlave Lindley (7 JUN 1908-6 OCT 1978)
Kitchen, Sherwood C. (14 JAN 1939-20 MAR 2012)
Kitchen, William Spurr (6 JUN 1845-16 SEP 1901)
Kitchen, Zella Jane (20 AUG 1875-30 APR 1927)
Kitchin, Harold A.
Kitchin, Sharie J.
Kitchin, Steven H.
Kitchin, Stewart A.


Kalloch Family Reunion Association Tree on Ancestry.com

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Website of The Kalloch Family Reunion Association, founded in 1867.

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