85th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1952
Pages 69-70 in the minutes book

(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)

The Eighty-first [85th*] annual reunion of the Kalloch family held in the St. George Grange Hall, Aug. 27, 1952 was called to order by President Arthur Kalloch following dinner.

The records of the last meeting were read.

Edith Harris, Hazel Hills and Faustina Spring were appointed to the Nominating committee and presented the following report:
    President - Arthur Kalloch
    V. Pres. - Mary Kalloch, Leola F. Robinson, E. B. Rollins, Grace Carey, Jennie Moody
    Historian - Marguerite Gould
    Sec. & Teas. - Faustina Spring
    Program Comm. - Mabel Rollins, Lucy Hoffses, Helen Harris

Their report was accepted and those officers elected.

The program was opened with prayer by Rev. Maurice Dunbar.

Historian Marguerite Gould had a request in regard to the relationship of Edna St. Vincent Millay to the Kalloch family.  She asked for any information any one could give her.

Remarks & Reading

Mary Kalloch


Mabel K. Rollins


Jennie Moody


Albert Robinson


Rev. Maurice Dunbar


Virgil Hills

The following deaths were reported:
    Carolyn Kalloch of Rockland & Thomaston
    Maria Woodberry of Beverly, Mass.

It was noted to hold the next reunion at the same place.

A rising vote of thanks was given those who prepared the hall for the reunion.

Faustina W. Spring, Sec.

(Treasurer's report followed, and was not included here.)

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