You are cordially invited to the 149th Kalloch Family Reunion
Saturday, August 20, 2016, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Once again at the Finnish Jura Hall
State Route 131 (172 St. George Road), South Thomaston, Maine  04858

Birthplace of Kalloch Cousin Edna St. Vincent Millay

The program this year will focus on the restoration of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s birthplace in Rockland, ME. In recent years the house has suffered from neglect, and a front page article in the local newspaper detailed the plight of the building and its historic significance. Maine philanthropist Roxanne Quimby saw the article and, due to her interest in promoting heritage tourism in Maine, offered to help Rockland Historical Society purchase and restore the duplex.

The Society purchased the double house in March with a donation from the Roxanne Quimby Foundation. Quimby has promised to match money raised for the restoration of the house, and after a generous grant from the Davis Family Foundation, the work has begun.

The Society plans to help establish a literary arts organization to eventually own the building and celebrate the legacy of Edna St. Vincent Millay through writers’ workshops and an annual Mid-coast poetry festival from headquarters in the north side, the Millay side, of the duplex (200 Broadway). Millay won a Pulitzer Prize for her poetry in 1923. Her mother Cora Buzzell, was the Kalloch connection, being granddaughter of Mehitable Keller Emery of the Matthew line, and she often brought her daughters to Reunions, where little Edna recited poetry atop a table.

Should you wish to donate, make checks payable to Rockland Historical Society, P.O. Box 1331, Rockland, ME 04841 and put "Millay House" on the memo line. Meanwhile, we encourage you to read some of Millay's famous poetry before the program in August!

Our speaker, Wayne Gray, serves on the Board of the Rockland Historical Society and chairs the Millay House Committee. His and Gil Merrriam's "Gem Productions" DVDs catalogue people and events from Rockland History and are shown frequently on our Local Channel 7. He writes of his Kalloch connection: "My half brother married a girl who was formally married to a Kalloch. This made him a step-father to her children whose last name was Kalloch. And that made me an uncle to my half-brother's children whose last name is Kalloch (are you still with me?). Jim Kalloch claims me as an uncle. Two years ago he ran for the legislature and being a former State Representative I did what I could to help him. He's had a great career and I did a program with him 2 years ago."


From the President, Anita L. Nelson

This was another great reunion committee meeting! In particular, we had some brand new committee members come on board, which always helps bring forth some great,  new and exciting ideas, and it did! We did miss some committee members, and I know all of our schedules get very full, but I am quite sure that they will join us once again in this year’s reunion journey, and on, into our next year’s reunion. I am a Kalloch, through Kith and Kin, and I am very Proud of It, just as all our Kalloch families are. But, I am always just so delighted to see our Kalloch Reunions come together through all of us who gather together and make the commitment to see to it that we get the planning done, which brings forth out our Kalloch families.

Anita L. Nelson, President, 860-460-7526.


The Kalloch Reunion Committee met May 14th to plan for both the 149th and for
 the BIG 150th REUNION in 2017. From left, Paul Wilson, Anita Nelson, Peter
 Richardson and Linda Robbins try their hand at identifying family members at
the 125th in 1992.

Kalloch Family Reunion Association
Minutes – 148th Reunion – August 15, 2015
Finnish Jura Hall, South Thomaston, ME

Annual Meeting convened by Anita Nelson, President. 61 people attended.
Margaret Carleton showed a picture of Sam Clark of West Rockport, her grandson, who recently received a successful heart transplant.
Evelyn Kalloch then spoke on the Finnish Church, and Finnish families in the midcoast, including her own. (See article elsewhere in this newsletter).

Milestones: Eleanor Richardson read the names of those who had died in the past year, and read obituaries of Vic Lawrence, Gordon Levesque and Dean Mayhew. A moment of silence was observed. She also announced the birth of Calvin Brazz, Peter Richardson's first great-grandchild, and the Distinguished Service Award given to Clark Olsen, the highest honor awarded by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Historian: Peter Richardson has upgraded the history of the Reunion itself, including 20 years of minutes by Vickie Levesque and lots of pictures in red notebooks. He and Eleanor visited the Irish city of Drogheda last summer, where John Killough was a member of Oliver Cromwell's besieging army. He reached a dead end researching further in Belfast.

Webmaster and Historian Ken Kalloch reported that his database of the Kalloch family tree has grown from 9,100 when he started, to 25,606 names presently. 10,985 are descendants of Finley. There are 6211 photos. The website averages 50-60 visits per day, 31,449 total visits last year. It may be found at www.Kalloch.org. Some of our attendees this year found us on our Facebook page for the Kalloch Reunion.

Treasurer Paul Wilson reported a beginning balance of $2232. Income exceeded expenses! Donations $737; Annual Meeting income $640 (2014 & 2015); interest 26¢! $1377 total income. Expenses: Website and history: $317; Newsletter $251; Annual Meeting 2015: $110., monument repair: $0. Total expenses $678. Ending balance as of July 31, 2015: $2931. Assets include 2 computers, genealogical books and materials. Dedicated fund balance for website: $361. (usually we vote to raise this to $600.)

Secretary's Report Eleanor Richardson reviewed last year's minutes and it was MSV to accept them. It should be noted that last year's meeting was held at the St. George Grange Hall.

Old Business Margaret Carleton noted that the West Rockport Cemetery, with many Kallochs, is beautifully maintained by the W. Rockport Cemetery Association, established by former KFRA member Dot Keller. Margaret has 4 generations there.

Genealogy: Our ultimate goal is to print a genealogy, presently 933 pages, but more editing is needed. Margaret Carleton suggested publishing it electronically, or "on demand" so the reunion wouldn't have to advance a large amount of money. An individual could purchase a genealogy book at their own expense, and not at the expense of KFRA? Ken suggests that it be loose leaf, so additions and corrections will be easier.

Officers: There being no objections from officers or the meeting, last year's slate was re-elected:
President: Anita Nelson Vice President: Deb Lovely
Treasurer: Paul Wilson Chaplain: Pat Stephen
Secretary & Newsletter Editor: Eleanor Richardson
Historians: Peter Richardson & Ken Kalloch, Webmaster and Historian
Assistant Historian: Paul Wilson
Registrar: Sandy Zimmerman & Assistant Registrar: Helen Campbell
Three new members volunteered to serve on the 150th Reunion Planning Committee for 2017: Cindi Hamlin, Linda Robbins, and Capt. Jim Kalloch.
Dee McCarthy offered an item for auction: Essential Oils. $50 was raised.

New Business A visit to the NY home Edna St. Vincent Millay was highly recommended. Follow the Mass Turnpike to the end, and go left at the light in Austerlitz, NY. The barn there has become a center for aspiring artists.

Gifts were graciously presented by Sandy Zimmerman, registrar:
Youngest was Cameron Wilson, age 2 1/2. Early Bird: Nancy Greenwood; Oldest present: Barbara Wilson, 88, with Evelyn Kalloch a close second, also 88. Farthest traveled were Julia Hunter and Tim Bodine from WA, and Liz Barret Hunt Eichly, also from WA. Married longest were Don and Cindy Kalloch at 47 years.

Next Reunion, our 149th, will be held the third Saturday in August, Aug 20, 2016. We loved the Finnish Heritage Center and will request to return. (Be sure to mark calendars for the 150th!! August 19, 2017.)

Meeting adjourned: at 11:30 a.m. A photo was taken in front of the Finnish Church.
After lunch and social time, we adjourned for tours of Henry Knox's "Montpelier" nearby. We had 29 people for the tours, but when we requested the $20 family rate, we were told "Nice Try." The two tour guides were excellent and we learned a lot!

Respectfully submitted,
Eleanor M. Richardson, secretary


61 people attended the 148th Reunion at Finnish Jura Hall   

Reminiscences of the Finnish Community in the Midcoast
by Evelyn Nuppula Kalloch

My father, Kusti Nuppula, emigrated to this country in 1914, and toured the U.S. a bit before choosing a place to settle. He was painting a mill building, when he saw a lovely woman in the window, my mother Helmi Juura, who was working in the mill. They married in 1917, and had two children, my brother in 1918, then me, 9 years later, in 1927. Helmi's father had brought the whole Juura family over. Matti Juura was my and Art Jura's grandfather. The name Juura was shortened by Arthur's parents to Jura. Matti Juura, had worked as a carpenter for Czar Nicholas and Alexandra of Russia. Some years ago, my daughter Vickie Levesque and I traveled to Finland where we met some of our relatives.

I remember gatherings at Glover Hall in Warren, and plays by professional actors presented in Finnish! When they congregated for the play, next day they would have a picnic at Ayer Park on Seven Tree Pond. I was just a kid but still remember most of the activities. The plays were held at Union Common Grange hall. I still remember my favorite sandwich, made with Italian rye and ham. The bread came from the European Bakery on Tillson Ave. We called the bread "limpu". I loved it with farm fresh homemade butter when the loaf was still warm. Toppings were whatever choices one had in the Fridge, deli meat, lettuce, pickles, and most certainly tomatoes. We ate very well. Quite different living on a farm from urban life.

My family were friends with [Time/Life] photographer Kosti Ruohoma's parents, and we hosted sauna parties occasionally. Kosti actually took some pictures of my father, brother and a friend in the sauna. Of course they covered up with a bundle of leafy birch boughs which were used as a stimulus, beating themselves . Boy! It was hot! Then the coffeepot was put on the stove served with pulla and open faced sandwiches. My mother turned the broiler on and melted the cheese on bread slices. My mother was an avid reader and she borrowed Finnish books from the library. Once the Rockland Library had a complete selection of books in the Finnish language, because of the extensive Finnish community. No one knows what happened to the books although I think they were thrown out.

Our family moved from Union to Owls Head in 1927. The large midcoast Finnish community specialized in farming – chickens & cattle in St. George and Owls Head. My father built several saunas on our property in Owls Head, the last one closer to the house with extensive brick work in the dressing room. He was a gifted mason, much in demand, also a self-taught artist! He sold the land where the Transportation Museum is located, to the Rockefeller Center in the1970s for $17,000. Ironically, it was thought to be 25 acres, and after survey was 50 acres. However, he had signed a purchase and sale contract, which could not be recanted, according to their attorney.

My cousin, Art Jura, raised the money for Finnish Jura Hall. We were both there at the closed Union High School for the beginning of Finn-Am organization. The Finn-Am organization raised funds for the Finnish Heritage House and we supplied the materials and carpentry work. It's open Saturday mornings. You can buy pulla (Finnish coffee bread) there.

There are a number of Finns married to Kallochs. I was glad to see Cindy and Don Kalloch there – her mother and I grew up as friends. So another Finn married to a Kalloch!


"The Four Questions"

Please send your thoughts on these questions to help in planning reunions.
(send to Eleanor Richardson, 22 Mechanic St., Rockland, ME 04841, Grandmoot@aol.com).

1. What brings you to Reunions? and... are you part of a family subgroup that attends together? 
2. What did you get out of the reunions you attended, or what did you find memorable?
3. How can we get the next generation involved?
4. How much are you willing to spend? This is especially relevant for our big bash at the 150th!

Family News

Andrew Kalloch, son of Phillip Kalloch, was mentioned in a recent Press Herald, as he has joined Macpage LLC as an audit associate. He is a 2015 University of Southern Maine graduate in accounting and finance. Prior to joining the firm, he was a tax intern at a CPA firm in Portland.
Jonathan Kalloch, younger brother of Andrew, is 2nd Engineer on a 400+ FT ship.
David Kalloch, son of Ken Kalloch, graduated from Maine Maritime at the same time that Jon did, only Jon went on for another year. --Evelyn Kalloch (proud grandma of Andrew and Jon).

From Julia Hunter: Finally I have found one of the members of the next generation down from me who wants to be involved in Kalloch Family Association information exchanges and activities. She’s Stephanie Chytalo, great-granddaughter of Mary Keller Andrews of West Rockport. Stephanie moved out to Portland, OR, last year. She comes up to Seattle area to visit us. She’s done a lot of genealogy on her father’s (Ukrainian) family, but working on her mother’s side, which we share, is new for her.

Rockland leaders thanked David Kalloch for his 26 years of service to the City in October 2015. David resigned due to ill health. As code officer, he was a beloved teacher. We wish him well.

Peter Richardson is now "Great-Grandfather." Calvin Ryan Brazz was born Apr. 16, 2015 in Portland, son of Vann Brazz and Courtney Brann. Joe Lynn Douglas Fitzgerald was born Apr. 16, 2016, in Wyoming, son of Sarah Brazz and Cole Fitzgerald. Grandmother is Bradbury Richardson Chadbourne of Kennebunk.

In Memoriam

Ruth (Prince) Baker, 89, died Feb. 29, 2016. She was born in Camden May 16, 1923, daughter of Edwin and Agnes Prince, graduating from Camden High School in 1941. Ruth married Walter J. Baker June 29, 1941. They spent many years in Falmouth, active in the Falmouth Congregational Church. Ruth was employed by Canal Bank of Portland, the office of Dr. David Lovely, and the Medical Records Department at Maine Medical Center. Ruth was predeceased by her husband, her brother Warren, and daughter-in-law Marylee Baker. Survivors include two sons, David (Kathy) Baker of Raymond; and Bruce Baker of East Brunswick, NJ; grandchildren Julie Baker, Pamela Shackford, and David Jr.; and 4 great-grandchildren.


Carolyn Joyce Dorrity, 60, was born on Nov. 30, 1956, and died Feb. 4, 2016, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Carolyn lived life to the fullest. She relished time traveling the world and on her boat the “Sea Jay.” Although Carolyn had many careers her last job was at the Penobscot Judicial Center in Bangor. Carolyn was predeceased by her father, Arthur Wilson; and a sister Susan. She is survived by her daughter, Danielle Wilson of Seattle, WA; mother, Barbara Wilson of Veazie; husband, Bill Dorrity of Winterport, ME; brothers, Ed (Linda) Wilson, Paul (Gail) Wilsonof NJ; John (Bev) Wilson of Hampden and David Wilson of Orono. A Celebration of Life with bonfire and fireworks was held.


Alice Claire (Murch) Farrand, 72, of Weymouth, formerly of Quincy, MA, died May 13, 2016. She was born in Boston, and raised in Jamaica Plain and Cambridge. Her beloved husband of 50 years, Lawrence Farrand, was a career Marine so they raised a family in Conn., N.C., and then finally Quincy. Claire was a strong women and mother who loved bingo and family trips. She will be sorely missed by her family. Her husband predeceased her. She was loving mother of Christine L. Farrand-Lockhart of Weymouth; John M. Farrand of Hull; Paula J. (Daniel) Pitts of Quincy; and Moreen (Michael) Quinlan of Taunton. She had 9 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Claire was also survived by seven sisters and one brother.

Beatrice Elise Kalloch, 99, of Glendive, MT, died June 6, 2015. Born Nov. 12, 1915, in Mandan, she was daughter of Alfred and Jenny (Isaacson) Kolstad. She married Ralph Kalloch, a descendant of Finley and Rufus Kalloch, Dec. 5, 1934. Together they raised Ralph’s four children and their three. She worked alongside her brother, Elmer Kolstad, at Kolstad Jewelers for 41 years. She loved to travel and was thrilled to attend a Kalloch Reunion in Maine. She was predeceased by her husband; three sons, Warren, Ed and Mike; one granddaughter; one great-granddaughter; two brothers; and one sister. Surviving children are Bonny Dietz of Earp, CA; Marian Chouinard of Glendive; Karen (Tom) Logan of Fontana, CA; and Gail (Dick) Miller of Richey; 15 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and 24 great great-grandchildren. 

Fred Kalloch, 79, of Worcester, MA, who brought lively music to our Reunions, died Oct. 2, 2015. He leaves his wife, Gail of 48 years; son, Gary (Lisa) Kalloch of Revere, MA; daughters, Pam (Steve) Patten of Bolton, MA; Margie (Dan) Manning of Northbridge, MA; and Susan (Ken) O'Connell of Worcester; 13 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. He was born Feb. 27, 1936 in Portland, ME, son of Merrill and Marjorie Louise (Joyce) Kalloch. He was an army veteran of Korea and Vietnam, a member of the Framingham State Police, Chief of Ashland Auxiliary Police, and Grand Marshal of Ashland, MA. He was brother of June Parmenter, below.


Gordon Levesque
, 79, died June 9, 2015. He will be dearly missed by his wife of 41 years, Victoria, longtime secretary of the Kalloch Reunion; his son, Mark Levesque; his step children Mya-Lisa King and Aaron King; and his five grandchildren, Justin Levesque, Will and Jake King, Tessa and Jack Condon. He was born in Bangor July 8, 1935, and grew up in Brewer, where he developed his love for the outdoors. After serving in the Army and National Guard, he worked as a truck driver before moving to auto parts, and worked at N.H. Bragg & Co. One of his happiest jobs was helping manage Ski-Horse Mountain in Newburgh, ME, in the early 1960s.


Wayne Ashley Kalloch, 66
, of Farmingdale, ME, died Oct. 24, 2014. He was born Dec. 3, 1947 in Gardiner and is survived by sons Keith, Wayne, Ross, and Michael Kalloch; and daughter: Sara E Kalloch; grandchildren Adam N, Tyler L, and Diesel Kalloch, all of Farmingdale; Ross Kalloch Jr. of Randolph; great grandchild Trever Kalloch of Farmingdale; 4 brothers Charles A. Kalloch and William W Rogers of Farmingdale; Roger A Kalloch; and Arnold R Rogers of Oakland, ME. He was employed by Ellis Construction of Farmingdale at time of his death. He also worked in the woods and for many farms.

Geraldine Ann (Bartlett) Kearns-Makhlouf, 81, of Bangor, ME, died Oct. 16, 2013. She was born April 17, 1932 in Camden, the daughter of Alton and Margaret (Wentworth) Bartlett. She was a Licensed Social Worker, worked at United Cerebral Palsy Center and was Director of Camp Capella, Head Teacher at Penquis Head Start, and worked 19 years for Maine Division of Mental Retardation. She is survived by her husband Mohamed; sons, Dana E. (Susan) Kearns of Eddington and William F. (Carol) Kearns; grandchildren, Kelley, Brian, and Jonathan Kearns; and a brother, Raymond Bartlett of Fort Worth, TX. She was predeceased by a sister, Naomi Bartlett Kearns.


June Kalloch Parmenter
, 83, of Seminole, FL, formerly of Oxford, MA, died Jan. 23, 2016. She was born June 14, 1932, in Camden, ME, daughter of Merrill and Marjorie Joyce Kalloch and was "The Gift Lady" at recent Reunions. She was predeceased by her husband, Frederick L. Parmenter. In 1962, she began working in the Oxford High School cafeteria, and worked her way up to Director of the School Lunch Program overseeing 6 schools. She is survived by sons Gregory Parmenter of Largo, FL; Scott (Patricia) Parmenter of Putnam, CT; granddaughter Kimberly Gunderson of Putnam, CT; grandson Peter Gunderson of Quincy, MA; sister Georgia Yvon of Woodstock, CT; sister-in-law Gail Kalloch of Worcester, MA, and 3 great grandchildren.  


Charles (Bud) Simmons, 83, of Elyria, OH, died June 4, 2014. He was born March 20, 1931 in Oakland, ME, son of Dana and Mary (Hooper) Simmons. He held an M.A. from the U. of Maine and was a Microbiologist/Bacteriologist at Elyria Memorial Hospital. Bud served in the Army in Germany. Survivors include his wife, Pauline (Wakefield); daughters, Debra Simmons of Chagrin Falls, OH; Sue (Dave) Runkle of Elyria; sons, Jeff (Karen) of Holden; Scott of Forked River, NJ; David (Kim) Hughes of Harpswell; Dwight (Ann) Hughes of Grafton; sister, Patricia Blodgett of Wauwatosa, WS; 18 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by daughter, Linda Simmons and granddaughter, Elizabeth Hughes.

Kalloch Family Reunion Association
c/o Eleanor Richardson, secretary
22 Mechanic St.
Rockland, ME 04841

Kalloch Reunion 1875  

Save the date!! 150th Annual Kalloch Family Reunion!
(the oldest continuous family reunion in America!?)
Saturday, August 19, 2017 (next year)
at the Elks Hall in Rockland, a lovely, spacious building with plenty of room to run
around and play games outside. The Elks will provide a sumptuous luncheon.

Your Committee is hard at work planning special events to make this memorable
and we hope that if you are ever to attend a Kalloch Reunion it will be this one! 

AUGUST 22, 1992

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