2005 Kalloch Family Reunion Photos

The 138th Kalloch Reunion was held on August 20, 2005
at the Historic Old Town House in Union, ME
The historic novel "Come Spring" by Ben Ames Williams (about the first settlers of Union, ME),
was a primary theme of the reunion.

Built in 1840, the Old Town House is a classic example of the New England meeting house.
(Above photos from Union Historical Society)

Group photo taken during the auction of donated items
which was conducted following lunch

During the auction

Auctioneer (& Reunion President) Julia Hunter
taking bids on one of the donated items

Julia Hunter with another donated item

After the auction, historian, Peter Richardson told us about our Kalloch history in the town of Union, and our Kalloch connections with the characters and families in the book "Come Spring"

Peter holding a copy of "Come Spring"

The Kalloch Family Quilt - 2005 Photo

2005 Kalloch Family - "Come Spring Tour" - Group Photo
Taken at site of "The Royal Mess," Union, ME

(The "Royal Mess" was a log home of ex-soldiers and bachelors Joel Adams, Matthias Hawes and Jason Ware who hired Mima Robbins to keep house for them on June 29, 1780. Later, it became the home where Jason Ware and his wife Polly raised 8 children. It remained in the family until 1900)

Jason Ware gravestone in "Old Common Cemetery," and our tour bus in the background

Tour group looking at Jason Ware's gravestone
(our tour-guide is at the front right)

Looking at Joel & Mima Adam's gravestones
(Leading characters in the novel "Come Spring")


Katherine Kalloch - 1st. time reunion attendee and oldest daughter of Kalloch family webmaster Ken Kalloch

"Come Spring Tour" - riding to next tour site

Seven Tree Island - named by the settlers for the 7 trees growing there.  Photo taken from shore, near site of Philip and Jemima Robbins' home

At cellar hole of Philip & Jemima Robbins home
(The earliest home of Mima's parents (1776), the first permanent settlers in Union, ME)

Depiction of the first permanent dwelling in Union, a cabin occupied in 1776 by Philip Robbins on the shore of Seven Tree Pond

(Photo from Union Historical Society)

138th Reunion Minutes

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