147th Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 2014

147th Kalloch Family Reunion Association Minutes – August 16, 2014
Grange Hall, St. George, ME

Present: 20 people (listed below)

Secretary's Report - Eleanor Richardson. Moved, Seconded and Voted (MSV) to accept. Eleanor read names on Newsletters that came back, for address corrections.

Treasurer's Report
 - Paul Wilson. written. Beg. balance July 31, 2013 was $2249. Donations 2013 were $1140 which includes $625 from the annual meeting. Annual meeting 2013: $130 from registrations & auction. 2014 registrations: $75. 24¢ interest. Total income: $1345. Expenses Web & Historian: $394. plus $78 outstanding bills due = $472. Newsletter: $318. 2013 Annual Meeting expenses were $50 after the books closed. 
Monument repair: $600. Total: $1362. Balance 7/30/14: $2232.

In Memoriam:
 Births, Marriages and Deaths this year were read from the newsletter. We had a moment of silence for those who had died. 

 No new repairs are needed that we know of. Please report broken ones if you know of them. Adam Boyd Kalloch in St. George, recently repaired, was ancestor of many, including Ken Kalloch. We walked to visit his newly-restored stone after lunch. 

Visit our Website!
 Ken Kalloch: The website July-August averaged about 100 visitors/day. Our family tree is on Ancestry.com, also Kalloch.org, 22,326 people. Since last August Ken has added 5743 people. 3667 photos are attached to those people. Margaret, Finley's daughter married a Boyd. Her great-granddaughter Angeline Hodgkins was b. 1820 in Nobleboro, m. Moses Horne. Angeline's obit. from Library of Congress: "Death of Pioneer" 1902, says she had 3 daus from Moses Horne, 1 son from Albert Perry Rockwood, 27 grands, 68 gt. grands. We need to connect with them before the 150th!

New Business: Paul Wilson suggested that as we have $159 left in the funds for the website, we allocate $441 more to bring it up to $600. MSV. Ancestry subscription was $130, but is free because Ken has an LDS subscription. 

150th Reunion
 is coming up in 3 years, August 19, 2017. A committee was formed to plan for 2015 and 2016 along with the 150th: Peter and Eleanor Richardson, Anita Nelson, Pat Stephen, Jack Hammond, and Paul Wilson. We can use Skype. Maybe also Pat's granddaughter in Pulaski, VA, and Hannah Spongberg in Brooklyn, NY. 
MSV to have lunch brought in next year: Sandwiches or lobsters or lobster rolls.

Ideas: Children's games, talent show. Union bus tour was great too. Sell T-Shirts, hats, shirts & cups. 

Speaker: Vickie Levesque suggested acquiring money for an annual featured speaker, with planning in early Fall. 

Place to meet: Finnish Hall. Historical Society in the Keag, Samoset, Rockland Golf club, Rockland Elks, Beaver Lodge in Hope. A small committee led by Anita will look at locations.

Gifts: (generously provided by Sandy Zimmerman)

Youngest: Liam O'Dwyer
Newest: Amy Hammond O'Dwyer
Oldest: Barbara Wilson
Furthest traveled: Pat Stephen
Longest Married: Fred and Gail Kalloch 46 years
Early Bird: Eleanor Richardson and Helen Campbell.
Door prize: Fred Kalloch

Election of Officers: MSV to elect the following slate.
President: Anita Nelson Vice President: Deb Lovely
Treasurer: Paul Wilson Chaplain: Pat Stephen
Secretary & Newsletter Editor: Eleanor Richardson
Historians: Peter Richardson & Ken Kalloch, Webmaster and Historian 
Assistant Historian: Paul Wilson; Historian Emeritus: Dean Mayhew.
Registrar: Sandy Zimmerman & Assistant Registrar: Helen Campbell

Collected in the Coffee Pot:

Also attending: Gail & Fred Kalloch, Nancy Greenwood, John Hammond and his daughter Clare & her son Liam O'Dwyer; Mike McLellan, Monty & Moe Kalloch, Barbara Wilson, Elaine Robbins, Bob Nelson, James Skoglund, Maya Kalloch, James Kalloch of Rutland, MA, his daughter Judith & David Getman, and David Kalloch of Nottingham, NH.

Afternoon Program was by Peter Richardson on the history of the Kalloch family, followed by a walk to see newly-restored Kalloch graves in St. George Cemetery.

Respectfully submitted,
Eleanor M. Richardson, secretary pro tem

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