121st Kalloch Reunion Minutes - 1988

(Transcribed from the original handwritten copy.)

The 121st. Kalloch Reunion was held in the St. George Grange Hall on Sat. August 20, 1988.  We had 50 signing the attendance sheet.  Our California Kalloch's brought us a beautiful dried fruit and nut basket to share at the picnic lunch.  We also had red, ripe tomatoes from New Year, which were a treat.  Our Arizona Kalloch's brought albums for us to see.

T-shirts, with the State of Maine and "ye ole coffee pot", saying Kalloch 1735 were available.  Nancy Sack organized this event and presented one to Herbert Kalloch.  She also had booklets "with a self-guided tour of the old cemetery at the First Baptist church in St. George on sale.

President Anita Fernald, called our meeting to order.  Secretary and Treasurer reports were read.  We have a balance of $1,150.72.

Thanks was given to Leola Robinson for reserving the St. George Grange and for her kitchen duties.  Doris and Paul Merriam and Donna Perry volunteered to do this job next year.

    Next years officers are -
President, Anita Fernald, Noank, CT.
Vice President, Hazel Hills, Warren, Maine
Sec., June Parmenter, Oxford, Mass.
Treas., Paul Merriam, Rockland, Maine

    Obituary Report
Harold Kalloch, form Auburn, Mass
Vivian Hutchins, from Norway, Maine
Lettie Kalloch, from Rockland, Maine
Gladys M. Keller, from West Rockport, Maine

Under old business - we noted to close out the Sam Kalloch Scholarship fund of approximately $160.00 and give it to the St. George Library.

Mr. Leland Overlock from the Warren Historical Society spoke to us about Warren cemeteries and had literature for us.

Our youngest member present was Amanda Morgan, 10 months old, from East Haven, CT.  Herbert Kalloch, from Rockland, Maine, was our oldest member at 93.  We had members from California, Catherine Olsen, Penny Bill, and Mary and Dick Leno.  Our couple married the longest was Mr. & Mrs. Colby Kalloch, 62 years.

We had $119.50 in the "ye ole coffeepot"

Dean Mayhew from Orland, Maine told us abut history in Scotland during the early 1700's.

It was suggested to put an article in the Yankee magazine about the next reunion.

We noted to hold next year's reunion in the St. George Grange, August 26, 1989.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Kalloch Perry

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